About Us

At The Bloomsbury Group, we understand the relationship between customer information needs; the operational, security, and technical challenges of data collection; and data visualization and dissemination options. Convinced that these are all integral to a holistic picture, we provide our clients with all of these services.

We are a small, agile, business supporting multiple US and international clients; we offer discreet research, assessment, remote sensing/geospatial analysis, monitoring, security, operations, capacity-building, reporting, and development services in fragile environments.

REGIONAL EXPERIENCE: Cameroon, Mali, Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Libya, Syria, Angola, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, CAR, DRC, Haiti, Kosovo, Sudan/South Sudan, Liberia, Russia (North Caucasus), Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Mexico, Jamaica, Ukraine, Uganda, Guinea, West Bank, Colombia, Jordan, Turkey.


Managing Director - Rob Grossman-Vermaas.

As Managing Director, I am passionate about understanding and implementing ways to observe, innovate and affect change.

I am a conflict, stabilization, operations, humanitarian assistance, PVE/CVE, and monitoring & evaluation specialist with over 15 years of experience working in conflict, post-conflict, fragile, and transitioning environments for clients including INGOs, international development donors, defense departments, and the intelligence community. I have extensive experience designing programs that deliver and measure impact, and in helping others learn from these activities. I have published over two dozen articles on stability operations, resilience in West & East Africa, M&E, conflict assessment, inter-agency planning, humanitarian assistance, and post-conflict stabilization and peace-building.

I have worked long-and short-term in several conflict-affected environments, and enjoy building and working with teams to solve the most intractable problems.

I do not play golf very well at all.